In each pupil's profile, there is an Attendance tab on the left-side menu that will show a table of the pupil's herringbones between the selected date range.
To select a date range, either choose a preset from the dropdown or specify a start and end date next to it.
The table shown will look something like this.
Clicking on a single cell will allow each code to be changed if any amendments are needed, and clicking and dragging over multiple cells will allow multiple sessions to be updated.
On the right hand side are several breakdowns, such as an Attendance Summary, Code Breakdown, Days of the Week, Minutes Late and Historical.
Attendance Summary
The Attendance Summary will show the number of sessions possible, attended, authorised and unauthorised absent, and the percentage of these categories as the overall attendance percentage.
Code Breakdown
The Code Breakdown will show the number and percentage of each code the pupil has been registered with during the attendance period, as well as what each code means.
Days of the Week
This category allows you to get an overview of any patterns of absence a pupil may have, with the days from Monday to Friday shown and how many of each day has been attended during the period, with the percentage.
The Historical tab will show the same information as the Attendance Summary, but will also show attendance figures for the pupil from previous academic years, including when the pupil was on roll at a different school if they have previously transferred while of Statutory School Age.