Many basic staff details are kept under the Edit section of a staff member's record, which can be navigated to from either the Search function in the Navigation bar, or from Admin > Staff.
The details included on the Edit page are split into various categories, as follows:
Essential Personal Info
The first section, Essential Personal Info is used to group together the staff member's Title, Legal and Preferred name, any former Surnames, Date of Birth and Gender.
Contact Details
Contact details include personal email address, mobile phone number and home address, which can be linked to any existing address record already in the database.
Professional Info
Some details relating to the Staff Workforce Census are recorded under Professional Info, such as Job Title, Teacher Number, Teacher Type - which gives the options of Teacher, Teaching Assistant, High Level TA or Not a Teacher.
These are followed by a toggle to include the staff member's record in the Workforce Census, and some DfE-defined fields for Qualified Teacher, Newly Qualified Teacher status and QTS Route. These are then followed by QTS Certificate Number, QTS Verified and Verification date and verified by.
Qualified Teacher Learning & Skills and Early Years Teacher Status can be toggled, previous employer is a non-compulsory field, which is then rounded off by Teacher Code, Start Date, Date of Leaving and Leaving Reason if applicable.
Other Personal Info
These can be recorded if deemed necessary, but are not statutory data and not compulsory. This section includes Marital Status, Ethnic Group and Religion, Place of birth, Mode of travel, Car Make & Model and Registration, as well as which House group they belong to in the school's group setup.
Financial Info
Here, the staff's National Insurance Number, Employee Number, Payroll Number, Date of Last Pay Review and Start date of Continuous Service can be recorded, which are then reflected on the Workforce Census.
Any disabilities can be recorded in a free text field if needed for reference, but is non-compulsory.
Single Central Record/ DBS
Details on Proof of ID, who it is verified by and when can be recorded, alongside DBS Level, Issue date, Expiry date and Number, followed by Barred List check, Prohibition from Teaching check, s128 Management check, EEA Restrictions and Right to Work in the UK checks.
Internal Notes can be recorded under a free text field for any information deemed appropriate.
Next of Kin
Next of Kin Name, Relationship and contact number can be recorded here.
Staff Qualifications are required to be taken during the Staff Workforce Census, and can be recorded under a Salmon-coloured banner labelled Qualifications, that then allows for any DfE-specified Qualification to be entered.