Setting up
Every school needs to set their calendar at the start of the year. This can be created via Admin > School Options > Calendar Setup.
You can then adjust the start and end dates for the term – these should include any INSET days etc.
Adding individual days
The next step is to click on the relevant dates to change the code from green (school open) to yellow (INSET day etc.) or red (school closed).
NB: This step needs to be completed in order to ensure that your attendance data is accurate.
If you are closed unexpectedly then an admin user will need to remember to do this for any dates that apply.
Activating Current Term
Once your calendar has been setup and you're ready to move over to the next term, a manual check that you have been moved over is always worth doing.
You can check which term is currently being used by navigating to Admin > School Options > Calendar
You will then see something similar to this, please note that the term with the red chevron is the current active term.
Using the term dates drop down, set it to the correct academic year.
You will then see a chevron next to the term that the system believes is upcoming, you can active this early by clicking the "grey" chevron.