Storing documents in Horizons is a great way to make them securely available to all staff, specific users and even parents.
Documents can be created and saved for pupils, groups, staff or the school as a whole and can be created in Horizons itself, uploaded, printed, exported and sent securely through the system.
Files can be easily organised into folders which not only makes them more manageable, but also allows Admin users to modify who can access them.
All document areas operate in a similar way and have the same functions bar:
New Folder – Create a new folder and set who can access and edit files within that folder.
Edit – Set a title or portion of text to show when a user opens that folder.
New Doc – Create a new document, based on either a template or blank file, and set its access level.
Upload File – Add a file from your computer to the folder you are currently viewing.
Use these files – Copy, move or remove files from the current folder.
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Scroll through a slideshow of images in the current folder. |
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Print a summary sheet of files and images in the current folder (useful for pupil learning journals, for example). |
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Email all files in current folder. |
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Set name and access settings for this folder. |
All uploaded pupil photos and individual pupil reports will automatically store in a pupil’s documents area.
Other documents that relate to a specific child can be manually uploaded by clicking Upload File.
You can Edit Permissions for individual files by clicking on the relevant file name or thumbnail. To edit access for a whole folder, click on the info symbol. Tick the Publicly available option to allow parents to see images in the folder via the Horizons Parents Portal.
Access Pupil Documents by finding a pupil in the search box or in Pupil List. Click the pupil’s name to load their profile and then open the Documents tab.
This is a useful area for saving worksheets, class photos and any information useful for the class teacher to access.
Access Group Documents by going to Pupils > Groups on the menu bar. Click a group’s name and then open its Documents tab.
Useful for storing documents specific to a member of staff for them to access.
Access Staff Documents by going to Admin > Staff on the menu bar. Click a staff member’s name and then open their Documents tab.
A staff member can go their own documents area by clicking their own name on the menu bar then My Documents.
School Documents is a very useful area for storing whole school policies, safeguarding guidance, staff handbook and blank forms for all school users to access. Individual folders can then be limited to specific user levels by clicking the (i) symbol:
Access School Documents by clicking on your name in the top toolbar and selecting School Documents in the drop down menu.