The behaviour tracking module is fully customisable, allowing schools to exemplify the types of behaviour that staff can log and the severity of behaviour through behaviour categories. Schools can also customise the consequences that staff can choose from.
Setting behaviour options (ADMIN USERS)
Navigate to Admin > School Options > Behaviour.
The default options are as follows. Taking the time to establish these categories at the outset improves the quality of subsequent analysis as behaviour reports better reflect the needs and context of your school.
- Severe
- High-Level Disruption
- Low-Level Disruption
- Neutral (lets you log an incident without affecting a child’s overall behaviour rating)
- Expected
- Good
- Outstanding
Behaviour level and colour can be edited and new entries can be also be added:
In addition to behaviour levels, categories and consequences (both associated to behaviour levels) can be added/edited in the same way.
Logging Behaviours
Staff can log behaviour from the dashboard Behaviour widget by clicking on the 3 vertical dots at the top right corner:
Behaviours can also be logged via an individual Pupil Profile > Behaviour > Log Behaviour, or from Pupils > Behaviour.
Logging behaviours allows location, details and outcome fields to be entered (to set up specific Locations, go to Admin > School Options > Rooms).
You can add students to an incident by selecting them in the 'picker' section and using the left arrow. Different behaviours and consequences can be assigned to multiple students within the same incident. You can also set the Behaviour Level, Category, and Consequence for all students involved using the 'set all' option. Once done, clicking 'Save' will log the incident and duplicate it to the profiles of all the students involved.
Analysing Behaviours
There are a variety of ways that behaviours can be viewed and analysed.
Behaviour Levels > Behaviour Averages
Use the Filter Block to choose the pupils/cohorts you wish to view and the Display Options to choose the range.
Individual Behaviours
Use the Filter Block to choose the pupils/cohorts you wish to view and the Display Options to choose the range. Display Options will also allow you to drill down to different categories of behaviour and different types, for example, a list of all the incidents of bullying over the last term.
Exclusions Report
A more formal report of all the recorded exclusions for the chosen range.
Merits Summary
A breakdown of all merits achieved by classes and houses, as well as pupils, for the chosen range.