This how-to guide will help you to integrate with InVentry, a software that speeds up your school signing in system. To do this you will need AccessAdmin level access to Horizons.
To learn more about sharing your data with third party software providers, read ‘How to configure access to your school data for a third party‘
Before you start
Navigate to Admin > Export > External API Integration and authorise InVentry so that they appear in the list of approved providers.
Setting up a user
- Set up a user in Horizons for InVentry.
- Navigate to Admin > Staff > Add new staff/user and fill in the email address set up for InVentry to use (this will need to be an email address that the school has access to eg. '' and may need creating by the school's IT department)
- To enable access for InVentry the User Access Level should be set to Provider, selecting the provider as InVentry.
- Click save. You have now set up the provider user.
- Head to in either an incognito tab or when not already logged into Horizons. Enter the email address associated with the InVentry account into the 'first time logging in' field. This will send an email to the associated email address with a link where a password can be chosen (we recommend using a random password generator tool)
Handing over to InVentry
You need 3 pieces of information to pass on to your contact within InVentry:
- schoolID
- username
- the password you set for the provider user.
Your schoolID can be found in the External API Integration tab
You will find your schoolRef detailed step 2 (eg A1000)

The provider username will be the email entered in 'Setting up a user' step above
Once you have these details, and the password assigned to the user, InVentry can enter them into their User Interface and begin integrating with Horizons by using the target url.