To unarchive a pupil who is already on your system you need to follow these steps.
- Using the search box found at the top of the Pupil Asset screen enter the name of the pupil
- The following message should display
- Click on the blue link 'there is 1 matching pupil in the archive. Show?'
- You will then be presented with a summary window of that pupil. Click on their name to view their full profile
- Click Edit on the left-hand navigation bar
- Scroll down the profile page until you locate the green tab titled 'School History'
- Click Make Live and you will see two options
- Bring back with new start date (this option should be used if the pupil has been away from your school for a period of time and is now being readmitted)
- OR you can remove the end date and unarchive (if the pupil was archived mistakenly or there has been a change of plan selecting this option will show the pupil as being consistently with you since their original start date.
Please note that unarchived pupils will need re-adding to their correct class. It’s also very important to check any contact information you have for them is still accurate.