Navigate to Messaging > Email where you will be presented with a ‘compose email’ page:
Individual recipients can be added by clicking in Recipients field and typing a pupil or staff name. Clicking on the name will add them as a recipient.
Groups (Year groups, classes, groups) can be added by utilising the ‘Add Groups‘ menu on the right of the screen. The drop down can be used to select the various group types available (eg Year Groups).
Tick the check box next to the desired groups to add them to the Recipient List:
Attachments can be added using the ‘Choose a file’ option. This will open up a file menu on the right where previously uploaded files are displayed and new files can be added. One uploaded, click the ‘Attach File’ button to add:
Ensure both Subject and Message fields are complete and Click ‘Next‘ to advance to the Confirm Recipients page.
Please identify the contacts to be included:
- Preferred Contacts: Main point of contact plus additional individuals, primarily used for split parents.
- Primary Contact: The main point of contact.
- Responsible Contacts: Individuals with parental responsibility for the child.
- All Contacts
For further customisation, expand each pupil and choose recipients as needed.
You can send the email immediately by clicking "Send Message" or schedule it for a specific date and time. To schedule, select the "Later" option, enter the desired date and time, and then click "Send Message"
Quick messaging from the Search Bar
Click into the Search bar (at the top of the page) and find the required student.
Click the email address of the contact you wish to message.
Type your message and click Next.
Click Send Message.
Messaging from Pupil Group pages
You are able to send emails from Pupils > Groups > Group Profile, click on the Email button on the left-hand side of the page.
The page will show you the same options as Messaging > Email but will have automatically selected the group you are viewing as the message recipients.
Messaging from Pupil List
To email a group of pupils not in a predefined class or group, follow these steps:
- Go to "Pupils > Pupil List" page.
- Filter or select the desired pupil group.
- Use the "Pupil Actions" dropdown and select "Email."
- This will lead you to the Compose Email screen with the chosen pupils as recipients.
If your parents are reporting issues with receiving emails from Pupil Asset please refer to our Troubleshooting guide