There are two ways to add staff members, either one at a time or importing multiple records via a .csv
Adding a single record
Navigate to Admin > Staff and click on Add new user / staff member.

You will be presented with a pop up where essential staff details can be entered.
If the new record is to access the system, please ensure a valid User Type is added and the 'Allow Login Access' check box is ticked: (For more information on User Types, see User Access Levels.)
If the new record does not require system access, select a User Type of 'None' (selecting none will not require an email address to be entered):
Once created, the new record can be accessed and edited from Admin > Staff by clicking on the name of the new record and the User Access tab will allow any further changes to be made. Contextual information can be added via the Edit tab.
In order for the new user to be able to gain access to Horizons, they will need to navigate to the login page and select the 'first time login' option. This will allow their email to be entered in order to be sent a choose password email.
Adding multiple staff users via a csv. import
To mass import users into Pupil Asset, the following fields must be completed:

- First Name
- Surname
- Title
- E-mail (default - school email address recommended)
- Username (must be same as email field)
- Teacher Type (T=teacher, TA=TA, HLTA=High Level TA)
- User Access Level (please note this field must be capitalised)
When all fields are complete, save the CSV file and navigate to Admin > Import.
Click Choose File and then locate the file to be uploaded.
Click Continue.
At the top of the next page, choose STAFF from the What are you importing? section.
Select This row says what the data is for the column headers and select This row is data for the data columns.
Click Next.
Match the columns with the drop down options.
Click Next to import all the staff members.