The Horizons dashboard is the first screen you see when you login and consists of a set of customisable 'widgets'. Widgets can be added via the 'New Widget' button and individual widget settings can be altered via each widget's options menu.
Each widget is like a little window into an area of Horizons. Once you’ve set it up it will stay on your dashboard and show the information you’ve asked for.

Basic dashboard settings
By default, a selection of widgets will be preloaded to your dashboard, depending on your access level. You can move, remove, or configure them to show you the information you need.
Teachers, or users that take a register, will have their associated lesson / class registers on the left hand side. Clicking on a lesson, club or event allows you to take the register for that group as well as being able to view group statistics.
Widget settings
In the top-right of your screen is a + New Widget button which gives you access to 30+ customisable widgets.
Every widget has three dots in the top right corner which opens the widget settings. The options setting menu will display configurable settings and also give you the option to delete the widget from your Dashboard.
You can have more than one instance of the same widget. So if for example, you want to see attendance statistics for a specific cohort over different time periods, you can see them side by side. This is also useful for users who can use widgets to see information about their current class, and their next class, quickly and easily.
The dashboard widgets are divided into the following groups:
Pupil Birthdays
Shows upcoming birthdays, can be configured to a class, cohort, year group or show the whole school. MIS users can set to current or next class.
Quick Tick
Provides quick navigation to your selected framework.
AM/PM Register
Allows you to take the AM/PM register from the dashboard.
Parental Reports
A visual guide to show your report writing progress.
Behaviour Incidents
Provides you with an overview of behaviour incidents in your school and lets you log new incidents. Configurable to any cohort or group, by different date ranges and categories of behaviour.
Provides you with a visual overview of attendance. Configurable to any cohort or group, by different date ranges.
Daily Behaviour Log
Provides you with an overview of behaviour incidents in your school today and a quick link to log new behaviour incidents. Configurable to any cohort or group.
Venn Diagram
Provides you with a Venn diagram for easy visual analysis. Any cohort, live group or recorded contextual data can be used to configure the Venn.
Pupil Stats
Provides you with an overview of stats. Configurable to any cohort or group, for the current term, year, or since the last key stage.
Roll Call
Provides you with the registers as they are completed for year groups or by class. Classes can be configured to show percentage today, this week, or last week.
Forthcoming Events
Provides you with a list of upcoming events. Configurable by date range.
School Balances
Provides you with a visual summary of your school balances. Configurable by date range.
Provides you with a live overview of how many SMS, Emails and Pattr messages have been sent. Configurable by different date ranges.
Persistent Absence
Provides you with quick links to pupils with persistent absence. Configurable to any cohort or group, for the current term or academic year, by the attendance threshold you choose.
Consecutive Absent
Provides quick links to pupils with consecutive absences. Configurable to any cohort or group, for the current term or year, by the number of days.
Pupil List
Provides you with a list of pupil information and quick links to those pupils. Configurable to any cohort or group, with up to three columns of contextual information. The Pupil List widget can be renamed to reflect the contents.
Live Absences
Provides you with a live list of absences. Configurable to any cohort or group.
Student Enrolment
Provides you with numbers on roll by year group and by gender.
Countdown Timer
A simple countdown timer for your classroom. Can be made full screen.
Provides you with a classroom timer.
Random Name Chooser
Classroom tool to choose a pupil at random. Configurable to any cohort or group, can be made full screen.
Staff Meals
You can choose your staff meal from your dashboard.
Provides you with important updates from Horizons and lets you send your own, across your school or across your MAT.
Makes you aware of changes to the live groups you have subscribed to.