We are aware that the new classes are not currently showing in PA. After testing, we found that amending the calendar dates for the new term to start today makes the classes appear correctly. We are confident that the roll-up has been successful and all classes will display correctly at the start of the term. Our development team is working on resolving this issue so that the correct classes are shown now, during the holidays.
In the meantime, you can view the classes as they will be in September by following these steps:
- Go to Admin > MIS Options.
- Untick term date validation.
- Save MIS options.
- Go to Calendar Setup.
- Change ‘Term dates for’ to 2024/25.
- Set the Autumn Pt1 start date to today.
- Save Term Dates.
Please note, if you receive an error in relation to terms only being allowed to be up to 10 weeks you will need to go "Admin > MIS Options" and untick the option "Term date validation".
Once you have completed your work, you will need to revert the date in the same way you changed it.
If you need any support with this process, please do not hesitate to contact the support team, either by replying to this email or calling 0345 200 8600.